Sacramento County Grand Jury

Monday, February 17, 2025

If you are interested in volunteering in your community, service as a Grand Juror might be right for you. Service on the Sacramento County Grand Jury is for a twelve month period. The 2025-2026 term will begin on July 1, 2025 and end on June 30, 2026. To be considered for the Grand Jury, you must be:

  • 18 or older, a United States citizen, and a resident of Sacramento County for at least one year prior to service;
  • Interested in investigating the performance of local government agencies;
  • Possess intelligence, sound judgment and fair character;
  • Have not been convicted of a malfeasance in office, a felony, or any other high crime;
  • Not be serving as an elected public officer during the term of office as a grand juror;
  • Have not have served as a grand juror within the last year;
  • Enthusiastic about the opportunity to work with others and recommend solutions to improve governance and services;
  • A good listener, with patience, who has skill and experience in fact finding, investigative techniques, and report writing;
  • Ready to invest 25 to 35 hours a week, will require attendance of at least four days a week;
  • Able to communicate in English - both orally and in writing;
  • Computer literate; and
  • Willing to ensure your work remains absolutely confidential.

Grand Juror Application Process

The open recruitment for the 2025-2026 Grand Jury term has closed.